The Comet Runners' used a Corellian Engineering Corporation CS-400 Light Freighter for their pirating operations during the High Republic Era.
Category: Space Transports
Terror of Tenoo
The Terror of Tenoo was a Corellian Engineering Corporation Tabage-class Cruiser operated by the pirate Blackbolt during the High Republic Era.
Beldon-Class Salvage Transport
Telgorn Corporation Beldon-Class Salvage Transport was a common ship found in the galaxy during the High Republic Era and served to recover damaged ships.
Inaya’s Second Shuttle
Princess Inaya modified a Slayn & Korpil T-Series Shuttle for her personal use. She added a custom ion drive for higher maneuverability though it was known to fail if overused.
Bravo One
Bravo One was a UT-60D transport/gunship that served the Extraction Team Bravo of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War.
LMTR-20 was a UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft that was owned by the Rebel Alliance during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.
Vela’s Ship
Vela's ship was a Gallofree Yards, Inc JB-05 Clipper that was active as a cargo transport during the High Republic.
Rathtar’s Revenge
The Rathtar's Revenge was a starship owned by the pirate gang known as the Ganguls.
Lantillian Shipwrights manufactured a two person Jedi transport that was utilized by the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era.
ST-45 was a Star Commuter 2000 transport shuttle that ferried passengers between the neighboring Outer Rim planets of Lothal and Garel.