The Sovereign was an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer belonging to the starfleet of the Galactic Empire, and served as Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's flagship for a period of time years before the Battle of Yavin.
Category: Starships
Addik Shuttle
The Addik shuttle was manufactured by Appazanna Engineering Works and used by Wookiees as a light shuttle.
A/SF-01 MK II B-Wing Starfighter
The B-wing/E starfighter, or B-wing Expanded, was a modification to the original Slayn & Korpil B-wing design.
RGC-6b Escape Pod
The SoroSuub Corporation RGC-6b escape pod was a model of escape pod used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic as well as the gangster Azmorigan.
Unidentified Pirate Shuttle
A small transport shuttle used by pirates searching for Jod Na Nawood on the planet Lanupa.
Unidentified Pleasure Yacht
An unidentified type of Pleasure Yacht was operating on Lanupa as it approached the Skull Ridge Mountain Hotel & Spa.
Unidentified Pleasure Yacht
An unidentified type of Pleasure Yacht was operating on Lanupa as it approached the Skull Ridge Mountain Hotel & Spa.
Unidentified Pirate Shuttle
The Unidentified Pirate Shuttle was used by Pirates searching for Jod Na Nawood on the planet Lanupa and was responsible for destroying two Lanupa Security Patrol Craft.
X-Wing T-65C-A1
The T-65C-A1 X-wing starfighter was a starfighter used by the New Republic for police actions.
ZH-40 Tribune-class Light Freighter
The ZH-40 Tribune-class light freighter was a model of light freighter produced by Starfeld Industries, and a newer model of the ZH-25 Questor-class.