Florrum was a sulfurous desert planet located in the Florrum system, within the Sertar sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. During the Clone Wars, it was the location of a pirate gang led by Hondo Ohnaka. Florrum was briefly held by the Confederacy of Independent Systems before the forces of General Grievous were repelled by Ohnaka's forces and the Jedi.
Category: Locations
Vanqor was the largest planet in the Uziel system. It was located about 6 parsecs away from Florrum.
Vassek 3
Vassek 3, also known as the third moon of Vassek, was a remote moon located in the Wazta sector's Vassek system of the Outer Rim Territories, and orbited the planet Vassek.
Rodia was a remote and swampy jungle planet. It was the homeworld of the Rodian species. Cities on Rodia were encased with domed environmental shields that allowed entry and exit for vehicles and vessels.
Ruusan 2
Ruusan 2 was a moon of the planet Ruusan, located in the Mid Rim Ruusan system. It was one of the Three Sisters. A Confederate listening post was positioned there during the Clone Wars.
Devaron was the home world of the Devaronians. It was located in the Colonies, near the Corellian Trade Spine.
Richi Moon
The Rishi Moon was the sole, barren moon of the planet Rishi in the Rishi system. The moon's surface was frequently barraged by meteor showers.
Dead Moon of Antar
The Dead Moon of Antar, also known as the Antar Moon or simply Antar, was one of two uninhabitable moons of Antar, a gas giant located in the Prindaar system of the galaxy's Inner Rim.
Kaliida Nebula
The Kaliida Nebula was a large nebula that spanned several sectors in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, located along the smuggler route known as the Balmorra Run.
Skytop Station
Skytop Station was a repurposed Trade Federation core ship and battlesphere that was operated by the Hyper-Communications Cartel.