The Imperial Armory Complex, also known as the Lothal Imperial Factory, was a factory built into the planet Lothal's Imperial Complex that produced a variety of vehicles for the Imperial Military, including speeder bikes, starfighters, and walkers.
Category: Locations
Ghorman was a terrestrial planet located in the Ghorman System in the Sern sector within an intersecting portion of the Interior and the Colonies regions.
Imperial Communications Center
The Imperial Communications Center, also known as the Imperial Communications Tower, on the Outer Rim planet Lothal controlled all communications on the planet during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Tanglevine Base
Tanglevine Base was a hidden base located on Tenoo during the High Republic Era. It was once used as a base of operation by Kaliah Kublop and Staas Ragnabi.
Stormseed Defense Grid
Stormseeds were devices that destroyed starships traveling through hyperspace to the area of realspace in which they were activated and deployed.
Lando Calrissian’s Farm
Lando Calrissian's farm was a plot of land owned by the galactic entrepreneur Lando Calrissian on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal.
Skull Ridge Mountain Hotel & Spa
Skull Ridge Mountain Hotel & Spa was a location that was situated on top of the Skull Ridge Mountain on the planet Lanupa.
Lanupa, also known as The Demon's Rest or Battle World, was a neutral planet in the galaxy with white-capped mountains and seas.
At Achrann
At Achrann was a planet in the galaxy that was one of the nine Jewels of the Old Republic.