Capable of homing in on enemies, Ion torpedos carried an intense ion charge and detonated in a powerful Ion blast upon impacting a targeted ship.
Category: Weapons
M-45 Repeating Ion Blaster
The "Roba" M-45 repeating ion blaster, manufactured by BlasTech Industries, was a heavy repeating ion blaster that saw use during the Galactic Civil War, typically pintel-mounted on UT-60D U-wing gunships.
DH-447 sniper rifle
The DH-447 sniper rifle was a blaster sniper rifle produced by BlasTech Industries.
TAU-6-23 “Blastmill”
A Vulk TAU-6-23 "Blastmill" rotary blaster cannon was a blaster cannon used by the Gigoran mercenary Moroff.
The DT-29 heavy blaster pistol was a heavy blaster pistol that saw use during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Pablo-Jill's lightsaber was the personal blue-bladed lightsaber of Jedi Knight Pablo-Jill.
Mk I Saberdart
The Mk I Saberdart, or simply a Kamino saberdart, was a type of toxic dart manufactured by Kaminoan Weaponsmiths, a Kaminoan company headquartered on Kamino.