Sushi was a type of food. At one point during the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker and his wife Padmé Amidala had sushi for dinner after Skywalker returned from a mission.
Category: Foodstuff
Five-Blossom Bread
Five-blossom bread was a kind of bread from the Mid Rim planet Naboo that could be consumed by humans and Artiodacs.
Black Melon
Black melons were a type of melon that grew in the Jundland Wastes of the desert planet Tatooine. They were gourd-shaped with a black outer shell. Inside, they contained either water or a type of "milk" that the Tusken Raiders drank. Black melon milk was also safe to drink for humans, although Ben Kenobi once commented that it tasted horrible.
Bone Broth
Bone broth was a type of broth soup. On the planet Sorgan, it was made using parts of a creature known as a grinjer. Hunters and traders often came to the Sorgan Common House to sip bone broth.
Mudhorn Egg
The mudhorns of Arvala-7 laid fur-covered eggs that were favored by Jawas. These eggs are very rare and have a trade value of 700 credits.
Ration Bar
Ration bars were a type of food ration known by various names, including nutrient bars, protein bars, and supply bars; they were also known as sticks instead of bars. They were eaten in multiple eras of galactic history.
Jogan fruit
Jogan fruit was a type of fruit found throughout the galaxy. Jogans were round and mostly purple, with white stripes and red leaves. Jogan fruits were found on such planets as Coruscant and Lothal, and could be eaten raw. It was also the main ingredient (and garnish) of jogan fruit cake, a baked dessert. They grew on jogan trees.
The meiloorun fruit, also known as meiloorun melon or simply meiloorun, was a type of orange fruit.