Travel biscuits were biscuits found within Imperial ration packs.
Category: Foodstuff
Pog Soup
Pog soup was a type of soup eaten by Mandalorians. According to Bo-Katan Kryze, most Mandalorians were raised on pog soup from a young age.
Ration Pack
Ration packs contained food or nutrients to consume when other sources were scarce, or there was little time available to prepare food or eat it.
Embassy Punch
There is a certain mystique in blue cocktails that draws you in and gets the taste buds salivating. Embassy Punch is one of those tempting beverages and the easy cocktail does not disappoint.
Crunchies were a type of pebble-sized cereal that was edible to humans. Blue and brown in color, the spherical treats could be served in bowls of blue milk.
Blue Milk
Blue milk, also known as Bantha milk, was a rich blue-colored milk produced by female banthas.
Glowblue noodles
Glowblue noodles were a blue-hued noodle dish created by the chef Gormaanda, who demonstrated her adaptable recipe in one of her cooking holovids.
Ardees Beverage
Ardees Beverage was a branded version of Moogan Tea produced by the Commerce Guild after it took control of the planet Mooga.
Phattro was a beverage served at cantinas and diners in the galaxy. It was suitable for consumption by humans, Bith, and Artiodacs. The purple-hued alcoholic version was sold in bottles with "Moshi" printed in Aurebesh on the label, and could be found at establishments including Moshi Bar and Trueping's on Coruscant and Plop Dribble's at the Stobar spaceport.