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Species: Caarite
Home Planet: Caarimon

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Climate Resistance/Susceptibility: Caarites have adapted well to hot and humid climates, gaining a +2 pip bonus all Strength and Stamina skill rolls made to resist the detrimental effects of such environments. They do not fare well in frigid environments, and suffer a –2 pip penalty to the same sorts of rolls when in cold climates.

Move: 6/8
Size: 1 meter tall

Background: The Caarites were a sentient porcine species indigenous to the planet Caarimon. The species typically displayed broad grins, bearing a double row of flat, wide, and perfectly white teeth. Because of their native habitat, the species was well-suited for surviving in hot climates. Since extreme cold was unknown to this species, their ability to survive in such environments was hindered more than most species.

They were typically sly, ingratiating beings with an eye for profit. Their penchant for crooked business dealings was regularly cloaked by their friendly demeanor. This caused them to suffer from a poor reputation, though, making outsider trust of the species rare. When dealing with large groups of individuals directly, their charm was often described as “childlike,” exemplifying their guise of innocence. They were often described as “friendly, entertaining, and humorous.”

Every Caarite knew the native Caarimala language, Galactic Basic Standard, and at least one other language. Communication was considered a fundamental skill for their society. This was especially true as the species favored nonviolent means of dealing with an adversary in a face-to-face encounter. Caarites were occasionally Force-sensitive, though their inherent greed prevented them from truly embracing the ways of the Jedi.

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