Sweeda was a Weequay who served as a pirate in the crew of Captain Brutus during 9 ABY.
Author: PT White
I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.
Garbage Scow
The Garbage Scow was a droid-controlled craft used to tow garbage and ships. While not suggested, the craft could carry four passengers.
Star Wars Skeleton Crew – S01E06 – Zero Friends Again
Relationships fray under the pressures of a difficult journey.
Gatha Elbaphay’s Species
A sentient species existed in the galaxy. They had green or tan skin and black eyes. One member of the species was Gatha Elbaphay, who was at Canto Bight in 34 ABY.
Ubbla Mollbro
Ubbla Mollbro was a boisterous female Xi'Dec opera singer at the Canto Bight casino on the planet Cantonica in the year 34 ABY.
Trash Crab
Trash crabs were a hermit crab-like species of crabs that roamed the planet Lanupa, where they scavenged and wore pieces of technological scrap.