Monday, September 9, 2024

Ames Uravan

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Name: Ames Uravan
Type: Advanced Weapons Research Scientist / Engineer
Species: Human
Homeworld: —
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: 1 BBY / 999 GC
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: Light

Dexterity 2D

Knowledge 3D+2
Cultures 5D
Planetary Systems 5D+1
Scholar: Weapon Physics 10D
Scholar: Hyperspace Mechanics 11D+1
Scholar: Advanced Engineering 10D+2
Value 5D +1

Mechanical 2D
Astrogation 3D
Repulsorlift Operation 3D

Perception 2D+1
Con 4D
Gambling 4D
Investigation 5D
Search 5D+1
Sneak 3D

Strength 2D

Technical 3D+2
Battle Station Engineering (Advanced) 9D+1
Battle Station Repair 9D+2
Battle Station Weapon Engineering (Advanced) 10D
Blaster Repair 7D
Capital Ship Engineering (Advanced) 9D+2
Capital Ship Repair 9D+1
Capital Ship Weapon Engineering (Advanced) 10D
Computer Programming/Repair 12D
(A) Civil/Industrial Engineering: 9D
Droid Programming / Repair: 8D
(A) Engineering: 10D
Integrated Ship Systems 10D+2
(A) Weapon Engineering: 12D+1

Special Abilities:

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 10
Move: 10

Equipment: Datapad, Imperial Research Uniform, 2 Code Cylinders

Background: Ames Uravan was a human male scientist and engineer from the Outer Rim planet Christophsis. A pioneer in the kyber crystal research field, Uravan was forcibly conscripted into the Imperial service around 19 BBY. During that time, he was assigned to the kyber crystal research team division of the Tarkin Initiative, which was stationed at the Eadu Energy Conversion Laboratory on the mountainous Outer Rim planet Eadu. Under the leadership of the crystallographer Galen Erso, Uravan and his colleagues worked to turn kyber crystals into a viable energy source for the Death Star’s superlaser, giving it the capability to destroy entire planets. Uravan’s duties on Eadu included synthetically fusing together kyber crystal fragments imported from the Mid Rim moon Jedha.

In 1 BBY, Imperial Director Orson Krennic found evidence that a member of Uravan’s research team had conspired with a cargo pilot to send a message to the Rebel Alliance about the Death Star project. Krennic brought death troopers to confront Uravan and his colleagues, instructing the traitor to expose himself. Despite Erso admitting to the betrayal, Krennic proceeded to have the troopers execute Uravan and the rest of his research team.

Appearances: Rogue One

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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