Model: BlasTech A280-CFE convertible Blaster Pistol / Rifle
Type: Blaster rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster rifle
Ammo: 100
Cost: 1,700
Availability: 3, R
Range: 2-15/40/75 (Pistol), 4-40/120/300 (Rifle)
Damage: 6D (Pistol), 5D+2 (Rifle)
Game Notes: Rifle Scope (+1D to hit at medium and long range)

Background: The A280-CFE (covert field edition) convertible heavy blaster pistol, also known as an A280-CFE blaster rifle or simply a A280-CFE blaster, was a modular version of the A280 blaster rifle. It featured a core pistol that could be reconfigured into an assault rifle or sniper rifle. Captain Cassian Andor used an A280-CFE during the Battle on Jedha, the mission to Eadu, and the Battle of Scarif.

Appearances: Rogue One