Model: SoroSuub Security S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Type: Heavy blaster
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: S-5 (for heavy blaster), Firearms: S-5 (for microdarts and cable/grappling hook)
Ammo: 20 blast charges, 10 microdarts, and 2 twenty meter long liquid cables
Cost: 1,000 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 3, F, R, or X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-10/30/60 (blaster and microdarts), 3-12/36/72 (cable)
Damage: 5D (blaster), Paralysis (poison microdarts, see below), or Entanglement (liquid cable)
Game Notes: This weapon can fire normal heavy blast charges, poisoned microdarts, or a length of liquid cable.Microdarts inflict no damage, but if used against an unarmored target (or an unarmored portion of a target, see the rules for called shots on page 91 of the Rulebook), they inject a paralyzing poison. The target of such an attack must succeed at a Moderate Strength check or be paralyzed and unable to move for 2D minutes. The liquid cable can be used to scale walls (in conjunction with a grappling hook attachment), or can be used to ensnare an opponent. If a hit his scored with the cable, roll 4D “damage” against the target’s Dexterity rating with the following results:
Roll | Effect Until Freed | Strength To Break Free |
0-3: Grazed | -2 pips to Dexterity | Very Easy |
4-8: Lightly entangled | -1D to Dexterity | Easy |
9-12: Heavily entangled | -2D to Dexterity | Moderate |
13-15: Severely entangled | -3D to Dexterity | Very Difficult |
16+: Completely entangled | Unable to perform any actions | Heroic |
Background: The S-5 heavy blaster pistol was a versatile weapon with a heavy wooden gripstock and twin scopes for sighting and rangefinding. Unlike most handheld blaster weapons, the S-5 fired green blaster bolts, similar to the Q2 hold-out blaster pistol. The S-5 also featured a dart launcher underneath the main barrel, able to fire either an anesthetic microdart, a sting charge, or a grappling hook tip. The latter was used in conjunction with a liquid-cable shooter attachment. This quick customization turned the S-5 pistol into a durable ascension gun (as an ascension gun, the S-5’s liquid cable could hold up to 500 kilograms). The cable reservoir held enough liquid to form twenty meters of cable, and the spike launcher cost around 50 Republic Credits around the time of the Invasion of Naboo.
Appearances: Episode I The Phantom Menace, Episode II Attack of the Clones