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Name: Serenity
Type: Superior Force Being
Species: Force Priestess
Homeworld: Wellspring of Life
Gender: Female
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin: Gray

Brawling Parry: 8D
Dodge: 10D
Melee Combat: 5D+2
Melee Parry: 5D

Alien Species: 12D
Cultures: 12D
Intimidation: 8D
Languages: 10D
Planetary Systems: 12D
Scholar: Jedi Lore 25D
Scholar: Sith Lore 25D
Survival: 9D
Willpower: 8D


Bargain: 8D
Command: 10D+1
Con: 6D
Hide: 12D
Investigation: 10D
Persuasion: 8D+2
Search: 5D
Sneak: 8D

Brawling: 6D
Lifting: 12D
Stamina: 9D


Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 25D+2, Sense 25D+2, Alter 25D+2
Force Powers: Force Wielders can use every known Force Power
Long Lifespan: Force Priestesses have extremely long lifespans of tens of thousands of years and are immortal.
Flying: Force Priestesses are naturally able to float in any atmosphere.
Shapeshifting: Force Priestesses can change their shape.
Force-Sensitive: Force Priestesses are born into the Force and can weld all Force Powers by the time they are one hundred.

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 20
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 45
Move: 12 (18 Flying)

Equipment: None

Background: Serenity was one of the five Force Priestesses. She lived on a mystical planet, the Wellspring of Life, at the galaxy’s center. She was one of five cousins who served as avatars, symbolizing the connection between the Living Force and the timeless Cosmic Force. Unlike her four counterparts, who embodied emotions such as Anger, Joy, Sadness, and Confusion, she was mutable in appearance and retained her consciousness even after physical death. Serenity acted serenely, serving as a reminder of the enduring power of the Force. She was often the spokesperson for her cousins and granted individuals the necessary training to achieve the state of immortality, which the priestesses had deemed the “great gift.” She acted in conjunction with the coupled blessings of her cousins.

During the Clone Wars, Serenity and her cousins met Grand Master Yoda of the Jedi Order. They presented him with a set of trials to ascertain his worthiness for their teachings. After successfully passing the trials on their planet, Serenity and the priestesses sent him to Moraband’s Sith homeworld to face his final trials. Along the way, Yoda encountered obstacles that Serenity herself created. However, he ultimately overcame them and faced off against the Sith Lords Darth Sidious and Count Dooku. Yoda emerged victorious, Serenity deemed him worthy of the immortal gift, and that deceased Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn would train him.

Appearances: The Clone Wars

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