Saturday, September 7, 2024

Echo’s Armor

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Model: Echo’s Armor
Type: Heavy Combat Armor
Scale: Character
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: Unique
Armor Protection: +2D to resist damage, -1D to Dexterity and related skill checks

Game Notes:

  • Highly Modified Helmet
  • Polarized lenses to prevent flash blinding
  • Voice activated comlink
  • Heads Up Display with GPS (if available)
  • Targeting reticule, +1D to ranged weapon skill checks
  • Friend or Foe system
  • Electrobinocular viewplate with night-vision (50-100/200/500, +1D modifier to visual perception rolls at 100+ meters, can see in near total darkness up to 60 meters)
  • Filtration system protects wearer from toxic environments
  • Climate controlled body glove allows operation in uncomfortably cold or warm climates and allows up to 20 minutes exposure to the vacuum of space.
  • Chronometer
  • Vibroblade and sheath (STR+2D)
  • Backpack used to carry specialized equipment, additional ammo, explosives, medical gear, rations and survival gear.
  • Utility Belt: High-tension wire, grappling hooks, spare blaster power packs, ion flares, concentrated rations, spare comlink, water packs, 2 medpacs.

Background: Following his rescue from Separatist capture, Echo was outfitted with new armor on Anaxes that covered the cybernetic parts that the Separatists had outfitted him with and was also clad in blue— the same shade that was once on his ARC trooper armor. Some time at the end of Clone Wars, Echo upgraded his armor to fit more with the Bad Batch. He continued to use a DC-17 hand blaster, albeit only one due to his cybernetic scomp link.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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