Saturday, September 7, 2024

Corran Horn

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Name: Corran Horn
Type: Jedi Pilot
Species: Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Gender: Male
Born: 18 BBY (982 GC)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 1.67m
Skin: Light

Dexterity 3D
Blaster 5D,
Brawling Parry 4D+2,
Dodge 5D,
Melee Combat 4D

Knowledge 2D
Bureaucracy 4D,
Bureaucracy: Imperial 6D+1,
Law enforcement: Corellian Security Force 6D,
Planetary Systems 6D+2,
Streetwise 7D+1,
Value 5D,
Willpower 4D+2

Mechanical 4D
Astrogation 4D+1,
Communications 5D,
Sensors 4D+2,
Starfighter Piloting 5D,
Starfighter Piloting: X-wing 6D+2,
Starship Gunnery 6D+2,
Shields 6D

Perception 3D
Command 5D+2,
Con 6D+2,
Forgery 4D,
Persuasion 5D+2,
Search 5D,
Sneak 6D+1

Strength 3D
Brawling 5D,
Climbing/Jumping 4D+2,
Stamina 5D

Technical 3D
Computer programming/repair 4D,
Droid Programming 4D+2,
Droid Repair 5D,
First Aid 4D,
Security 6D,
Starfighter Repair 3D+2

Special Abilities:
Force Skills:

Control 2D+2

Sense 4D+1

Alter 6D

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 17
Move: 10

Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), datapad, pilot’s uniform and gear, R2 droid (Whistler), X-wing fighter

Background: Corran Horn is a gifter starfighter pilot hiding from Imperial agents. He is apparently wanted for some crimes committed shortly before he deserted the Corellian Security Force under mysterious circumstances. Right now, Corran’s greatest fear is that Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor will find and recognize the former CorSec pilot. Oddly enough, Loor used to be an Imperial Intelligence agent liaison with CorSec- few know for certain between Loor and Corran, but it is suspected Loor might have ordered Corran’s death for some knowledge of an Imperial cover-up.

After deserting CorSec, Corran managed to inveigle himself into the Imperial administration on Garqi. The ever-absent Governor Tadrin had his military prefect replaced, and a disguised Corran assumed the place of the prefect’s personal aide, Eamon Yzalli, in the confusion. Corran’s false identity was further reinforced by seemingly legitimate datawork forged by his friend and former supervisor, Gil Bastra. It was the perfect way for Corran to lie low in a galactic backwater while keeping track of local Imperial activity. It also allowed him to subtilely manipulate newly appointed Prefect Mosh Barris into softening his strategies for controlling the local populace.

All this time Corran had his X-wing fighter hidden away in an abandoned vehicle shed on the remote outskirts of Pesktda, Garqi’s capital city and starport. Being a pilot in love with speed and his starship, however, Corran could not resist sneaking away from the prefect’s offices and flying his X-wing. His night flights baffled the prefect (who assumed it was some renegade Rebel come to stir things up on Garqi) and kindled a spirit of hope and rebellion in the more liberal-minded students at Garqi Agricultural University. But a flight mishap grounded Corran’s X-wing- Corran’s faithful R2 unit, Whistler, began repairs, and finally got essential replacement parts through Corran’s grand deception of Prefect Barris.
After leaving Garqi, Corran thought he’d continue moving from one system to another, hiding from his nemesis Kirtan Loor and keeping his head down. But his love of starfighters won out, and he took an opportunity to join the New Republic- and test his skill for a chance at joining Rogue Squadron.

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