Species: Jungle Rancor
Planet of Origin: Felucia
Search: tracking: 3D
Special Abilities:
Claws: Do STR+2D damage
Teeth: Do STR+3D damage
Armor: +3D against physical and energy attacks
Move: 20
Size: 10 meters tall
Background: An enormous subspecies of the reptilian, semi-sentient rancor species, jungle rancors, also known as hunter rancors, had clearly defined shells and proportions resembling that of a turtle, with larger heads relative to the rest of their bodies. Orange and gray spines that ran along their bodies and the sides of their tongues. They had brightly colored blue and gray skin, a pair of eyes with black pupils, brown irises, and yellow sclerae, beaked mouths, and webbed hands and feet. Their unique physiology imbued them with greater speed and a keener sense of smell than other rancor subspecies.
Vicious, nasty, and more nimble than other beasts of their size, jungle rancors were capable predators preferred to chase down living prey.