Saturday, September 7, 2024

Clone Trooper Armor (Phase II)

Model: Republic Clone Trooper Armor, Mark II
Type: Combat Armor
Scale: Character
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: 3, X

Game Notes:
Armor Protection: +2D physical, +1D energy, -1D Dexterity and related skills.

Comlink: Tongue-activated helmet comlink.

Sealed Body Glove: Climate controlled body glove and breath mask allows operation in uncomfortably cold or warm climates and toxic-air environments.

MFTAS: Multi-Frequency Targeting Acquisition System; adds +1D to Perception checks in low-visibility situations, +1D to ranged weapon skill uses against targets moving more than 10 meters per round; polarized lenses prevent flash-blinding.

Utility Belt: High-tension wire, grappling hooks, spare blaster power packs, ion flares, concentrated rations, spare comlink, water packs, 2 medpacs.

Background: Phase II clone trooper armor was an enhanced version of the Phase I clone trooper armor, used by the clone troopers of the Galactic Republic’s Grand Army during the Clone Wars. After the Clone Wars, it was retained by the stormtroopers of the newly-formed Galactic Empire, but was gradually replaced by new stormtrooper armor.

Phase II incorporated all of its predecessor’s systems in addition to polarized lenses, padding, and stronger, lighter armor plates. It could also support more modular attachments, making it superior to its predecessor. Unlike early iterations of the Phase I armor, color was used to denote unit affiliation instead of rank.

Phase II armor was introduced around 21 BBY, and slowly replaced Phase I armor in the months following. Phase II armor was the basis of the stormtrooper armor later worn by the soldiers of Emperor Palpatine’s Empire. Another variant of the Phase II armor was the Katarn armor. ARC trooper armor was also modified to be Phase II.

The new armor incorporated a more advanced air filtration and oxygen supply system, polarized lenses, and an annunciator to make speech more comprehensible. In addition, the boots were magnetized and incorporated a grav-field alternator to ensure stability. Another useful feature was that the armor and the bodysuit could be pressurized, allowing the clones to fight longer in a vacuum environment than its predecessor.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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