Heat stones were a type of stone able to produce heat found on the planet Andraven.
Month: December 2024
Lanupa, also known as The Demon's Rest or Battle World, was a neutral planet in the galaxy with white-capped mountains and seas.
Armored Amberfly
Armored amberfly, also known as an amberfly, was a species of flies found on Ootoo Prime.
Barelia Flower
The barelia flower was a rare flower native to Tenoo that only bloomed once a year when Tenoo's two moons are full.
Linh’s Lightsaber
Model: Linh’s LightsaberType: Melee weaponScale: CharacterCost: 1,500Availability: 4, XDifficulty: DifficultDamage: 3D Game Notes: A training lightsaber is, in most respects, like a standard lightsaber, with a few exceptions. Firstly, while the blade can block blaster bolts (with the Lightsaber Combat Force power), these bolts cannot be deflected at targets. It is also much less lethal than a standard lightsaber. It can only inflict […]
Nol is an alien who lived on At Attin during the New Republic Era with their partner Nooma and least four children—Neel, Tuloo, and twin boys Jobo and Jorko.
RD-Series Assault Droid
Tao-Ni Security RD-Series Security Droid were active security droids during the High Republic Era.
Bulcha’s Sail Barge
Sail barges were a class of large atmospheric transport. The Hutt crime lord Bulcha owned a modified LO-KD35 sail barge manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries.