In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire's ultimate weapon of destruction.
Month: October 2024
Jedi explorers used this power to find new, inhabitable planets. Using the Force, a Jedi is guided towards a concentration of life.
Time Awareness
A rarely used power, a Jedi can sense how much time has passed since a previous incident or event. This allows a Jedi to synchronize his sense of timing to perform a specific task at the right moment.
Sense Time Stream
A power Jax Pavan found in Darth Ramage’s holocron, it allows a Jedi to sense the flow of time and sense when a juncture of possible futures is approaching, allowing the Jedi to make a choice he or she would not otherwise.
Stennes Shifter
The Stennes Shifters were a sentient, Near-Human species native to the planet of Stennaros.
Mosep Binneed
Mosep Binneed was a Nimbanel male who worked as an accountant for various criminals throughout his life.
Moradmin Bast
Moradmin Bast was a Human male from the planet Dura-Kahn. An Imperial general, Bast was stationed on the first Death Star, the Galactic Empire's planet-destroying superweapon, where he served as the chief personal aide to Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and the subordinate to High General Cassio Tagge.
Braconnor Bakiska
Braconnor Bakiska was a Stennes Shifter who spent time in Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in the Mos Eisley spaceport on the planet Tatooine in 0 BBY where he would sell items he aquired on the black market.
"Backstabber" was a human TIE fighter pilot in the Galactic Empire's Black Squadron who served as the wingman of Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin.