Fast, but made for local military. Holds a fare amount of gear for the pilot on a long patrol.
Month: December 2023
Astral-8 Luxury Speeder
The Astral-8 was a luxury landspeeder model manufactured by zZip Motor Concepts.
A-A5 Armored Speedertruck
The A-A5 Speeder Truck was a type of speeder truck created for civilian use but was retrofitted by the Alliance to Restore the Republic for use in the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire.
Unidentified Twi’lek Guard
An individual was a Twi'lek female working as a guard in the Yarrum Tower marketplace during the High Republic Era.
Chigg was an Abednedo male pirate. In 232 BBY, he purchased a jellyfruit from the pirate gang of Taborr Val Dorn, who had stolen a crate of them and was selling them in the Yarrum Tower marketplace.
Weebo’s Farm
The Rodian farmer Weebo operated a farm on the planet Tenoo during the High Republic Era.
Weebo’s Grandson
The grandson of Weebo was a male Rodian who lived on the planet Tenoo during the High Republic Era.
The Clone Wars S07E06 Deal No Deal
Rafa lands a dangerous job running spice — and she needs Ahsoka and Trace's help.