LothalNet comm tower E-272, also known as Ezra's Roost, was a disused LothalNet communication tower located in the plains outside Lothal's Capital City. About five years before the Battle of Yavin, the young orphan Ezra Bridger used it as a hideout.
Month: August 2023
Lothal City
Capital City, also known as Lothal City, was the main population center and capital of Lothal, a planet in economic disrepair that had invited the Galactic Empire in return for prosperity and security. During the Imperial Era, Capital City became the center of Imperial power on Lothal and housed the Imperial Command Center and the Academy for Young Imperials. Despite the Imperial presence, various rebel and criminal groups such as the Spectres rebel cell, the Lothal resistance group, and the Gray Syndicate also operated in Capital City.
Galleefryn II
Galleefryn II was a jungle planet in Corporate Sector. It was freed from Imperial control by the Rebel Alliance in a struggle that took place more than ten years before the Battle of Endor.
Són Halliikeenovich
Són Halliikeenovich was a Human male of the House Halliikeenovich, a noble house from the planet Dramassia in the Juvex sector.
Ryder Azadi
Ryder Azadi was a human male who held the rank of Moff and served as the Governor of the Lothal sector during the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign over the Outer Rim planet.
E-Wing /A
The E-7 E-wing multi-role starfighter, also called E-wing escort starfighter, was a single-pilot starfighter developed by FreiTek Inc. It was notable for being the first fighter designed entirely under the support of the New Republic.
G8-R3 was an astromech droid that served onboard the Naboo Royal Starship used by the royalty of the planet Naboo.
Niles Gavla
Lieutenant Niles Gavla, a male human and graduate of the Carida Imperial Academy, faithfully served the Galactic Empire at Scarif as the administrative support liaison for the defense officer stationed on the Death Star. He perished during the Battle of Scarif when the Death Star ravaged the planet.
Pedrin Gaul
Pedrin Gaul, born on Denon before the Galactic Civil War, worked as a transport pilot ferrying passengers and freight around Denon's metropolitan skyline.
Frobb was a human male Second Lieutenant of the Galactic Empire stationed at the Citadel Tower on Scarif in 0 BBY.