Mytus Adema was a human who served the Galactic Empire as a lieutenant in the Citadel Tower on the planet Scarif.
Month: May 2023
Fassio Ablund
Fassio Ablund was a human male who lived on the moon Jedha during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Talzin’s Shuttle
A mysterious shuttle was used by the Nightsister Mother Talzin to travel to the desert moon Zardossa Stix during the Clone Wars.
Rail Speeder
A rail speeder was a speeder vehicle which moved by attaching itself to a single rail that ran across the ground.
Zardossa Stix
Zardossa Stix was a moon with a desert climate, in the Colonies located near Bardotta. The clay warriors of Zardossa Stix were associated with the moon, and according to Zardossan legend would return an enemy army to life if they were ever destroyed.
Stone Guardian
The stone guardians, also called Zardossa droids, were a model of droid which were used on the moon Zardossa Stix. In their inactive state, the stone guardians appeared like large stone columns outside of the Temple of Malmourral.
Unidentified Zygerrian cultist ally
A Zygerrian female cultist ally operated for the Frangawl Cult on the moon Zardossa Stix.
Unidentified Ming Po Animal Trainer
A Ming Po male animal trainer worked for the Frangawl Cult. He accompanied several cultists to Zardossa Stix in order to oversee the sacrifice of the captive Queen Julia of Bardotta.
The high seneschal of the planet Bardotta, Peteen met Mace Windu and Jar Jar Binks when they arrived to investigate the disappearance of the neutral world’s Dagoyan Masters.