Qin Yazal was the Poletec chief of a village on Skako Minor during the Clone Wars.
Month: May 2023
187th Battalion Trooper
The 187th Battalion was an infantry battalion of clone troopers that served under the command of Jedi General Mace Windu. The unit was equipped with standard Phase II clone trooper armor with maroon markings.
Horox Ryyder
Horox Ryyder was an Anx who served as a senator for the Raioballo sector in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. Respected and loved by the entire Republic, he had a quiet and soothing demeanor and was well known for his patience and insight.
Ark Roose
Ark Roose, known by the nickname "Bumpy" due to his aggressive nature during races, was a dim-witted male Nuknog podracer from the planet Sump.
Woan Barso
Woan Barso was a human male who smuggled refugees out of Jedha City on the moon Jedha during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Ponda Baba
Ponda Baba was a male Aqualish thug who rescued Dr. Cornelius Evazan from a bounty hunter. The two formed a partnership and began to smuggle spice for the crime lord Jabba the Hutt, resulting in him becoming a wanted man.
Sirro Argonne
Sirro Argonne was a human male scientist who served in the Galactic Republic's Ministry of Science before becoming an operations specialist in the Galactic Empire's Tarkin Initiative and being assigned to the planet Eadu. He was executed by death troopers under the command of Director Orson Krennic after a message was sent to the rebellious Partisans by Argonne's colleague Galen Erso.
Kessel Castle
Kessel Castle was a structure that existed on the planet by the Clone Wars. It was located on the unspoiled jungle side of Kessel, and had a tower where starships could dock and a banquet hall where the king's majordomo, Kinash Lock, often entertained guests in his stead.
Kinash Lock
Kinash Lock was a red-skinned Twi'lek male who served as the majordomo to King Yaruba of Kessel and the Yaruba Family of Kessel during the Clone Wars.