Pegla was a human male who worked for Zorby as a sentry at Zorby's Western Shiplot on the planet Ferrix during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Month: November 2022
Ichor Curse
The opponent is plagued by a consistently damaging aura that may spread to others if the caster is skilled enough.
Gilas was a male Trandoshan big game hunter who was a member of a hunting guild helmed by the Trandoshan Garnac during the year 20 BBY.
Ham was a human male prisoner of the Galactic Empire that served time on Narkina 5. He worked in Unit Five-Two-D, at table five.
Imbue Weapon
The user's weapon is imbued with pure energy from the spirit ichor to increase its damage.
The Clone Wars S03E18 The Citadel
With help from R2-D2 and a squad of captured battle droids, an elite team of Jedi and clone troopers led by Obi-Wan and Anakin attempt to free a captive Jedi General, Even Piell, from an impenetrable prison. Despite orders to the contrary, Ahsoka Tano tags along, though she proves indispensable when the infiltration mission begins to evolve. Piell and his fleet officer, Captain Tarkin, are liberated from their cells, but now the fugitives must escape the Citadel itself.
Dhow was an human male who served as a senator in the Imperial Senate during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Leida Mothma
Leida Mothma was a human female who was the daughter of Perrin Fertha and Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila.
Mon Motha (Andor)
Mon Mothma was a human female Chandrilan politician and revolutionary leader who was one of the founding members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Ichor Smoke
Green smoke billows from the palm of the user's hand, choking and blinding foes that get caught in it. Stronger versions of this ability allow this smoke to be flammable.