Friday, July 5, 2024
Space Transports

Zeta-class cargo shuttle

Craft: Telgorn Corporation Zeta-class cargo shuttle
Type: Cargo shuttle
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 35.5 meters
Skill: Space transports: Zeta-class cargo shuttle
Crew: 2 (pilot, co-pilot/navigator); Skeleton: 1/+5
Passengers: 50 (depending on cargo configuration)
Cargo Capacity: See below
Consumables: 2 weeks
Cost: 95,000
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D+1
Space: 2
Atmosphere: 248; 700 kph
Hull: 4D
Customization Points: 1
Shields: 1D

Passive: 10/0D
Scan: 25/1D
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 2/3D


2 Double Heavy Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 6D

Dual Laser Cannon (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D

Game Notes: Integrated main ramp leads to holding bay and cargo pod’s nested airlock. Ventral cargo cradle. Typical cargo container attaches to the spaceframe, drawing power from the Zeta’s reactor, providing power for specific cargo needs; refrigeration, life support, etc. Typical universal cargo containers have a 30 metric ton capacity.

Background: The Zeta-class cargo shuttle, also known as the Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle was a type of cargo shuttle used by the Galactic Empire in its fight against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. They were instrumental in carrying Kyber crystals during the construction of the Death Star.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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