Model: XX-23 S-thread tracker
Scale: Character
Range: Entire regions of space
Purpose: Communications encryption
Cost: 15,000
Availability: 2, X
Game Notes: This module allows a vessel to be tracked through hyperspace, adding a bonus +3D to tracking a fleeing ship. It is also concealed, and requires a Difficult Search test to locate.
Background: The XX-23 S-thread tracker, also known as the XX-23 S-Thread Tracer, was a homing beacon developed by Sienar Fleet Systems to track ships through hyperspace to their destination. The tracker was able to be launched from the warhead launcher of a TIE Advanced v1 starfighter and was used by the Grand Inquisitor to track the Ghost. Four years later, another XX-23 was used to track the Millennium Falcon to Yavin 4, which allowed the Empire to discover the secret rebel base there.