Species: Xandu
Type: Aerial predator
Planet of Origin: Iego
Sneak 4D+2
Brawling 5D
Flight 5D+2
Special Abilities:
Claws: Do STR+2 damage.
Move: 15 (flying)
Size: 1.9 meters tall
Background: An aerial mammavian species native to the planet Iego. They were one of many predators native to the world, and were capable of hunting and carrying prey as large as a human. The six-eyed species fiercely defended their territory and patrolled the rocky spires that dotted their homeworld. The species were known to snatch their prey and smash them against rock walls using their two arms and legs. They flew using their four wings. They had large ears that could detect prey from great distances. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi encountered one while attempting to find reeksa root on Iego.