Species: Wookiee
Home Planet: Kashyyyk
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Berserker Rage: If a Wookiee becomes enraged (the character must believe himself of those to whom he has pledged a life debt to be in immediate, deadly
danger) the character gets a +2D bonus to Strength for purposes of causing damage while brawling (the character’s brawling skill is not increased). The character also suffers a -2D penalty to all non-Strength attribute and skill checks. Due to the Wookiee’s great rage, a character must make a Moderate Perception total to calm down once all enemies have clearly been controlled unconscious, captured, killed or somehow otherwise physically restrained or stopped. Close friends of the Wookiee can coordinate with the Wookiee to make this easier.
Climbing Claws: Wookiees have huge retractable climbing claws which are used for climbing only. They add +2D to their climbing skill while using the claws. Any Wookiee who intentionally uses his claws in hand-tohand combat is automatically considered dishonorable by other members of his species, possibly to be hunted down regardless of the circumstances.
Story Factors:
Reputation: Wookiees are widely regarded as fierce savages with short tempers. Most people will go out of their way not to enrage a Wookiee.
Enslaved: Prior to the defeat of the Empire, almost all Wookiees were enslaved by the Empire, and there was a substantial bounty for the capture of “free” Wookiees.
Language: Wookiees cannot speak Basic, but they all understand it. Nearly always, they have a close friend who they travel with who can interpret for them… though a Wookiee’s intent is seldom misunderstood.
Honor: Wookiees are honor-bound. They are fierce warriors with a great deal of pride and they can be rage-driven, cruel and unfair – but they have a code of honor. They do not betray their friends or desert them. They may break the “law”, but never their code. The Wookiee Code of Honor is as stringent as it is ancient.
Atonement for a crime against Honor is nearly impossible it is usually only achieved posthumously. But Wookiees falsely accused can be freed of their dishonor, and there are legends of dishonored Wookiees “coming back”. But those are legends…
Move: 11/15
Size: 2-2.3 meters
Background: Wookiees were a species of tall, hairy humanoids that were native to the planet Kashyyyk. The most notable member of this species was the warrior Chewbacca, Han Solo’s best friend and co-pilot, who played a vital role in the Clone Wars during the Battle of Kashyyyk, the Galactic Civil War by aiding the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Galactic Empire, and the war against the First Order. They were quite strong, and were known to rip people’s arms out of their sockets when provoked. Though being from a temperate planet better known for its swamps and forests, they were able to be comfortable on icy worlds such as Ilum and Hoth without any protective clothing, including gloves and boots.
Wookiees were a tall species of furry humanoids from the planet Kashyyyk, who could grow to a height of nearly three meters. They were covered from head to toe in a thick, shaggy coat of hair with water-shedding properties that notably came in shades of brown, black, gray, and white. The species had two sexes, female and male. The latter grew long beards in adult life. The Wookiees eye color ranged from blue to brown. Wookiees were big eaters, with the average adult requiring 3,500-6,000 calories a day of food.
Wookiees had extendable claws which they used for climbing; using them for anything else violated the Wookiee honor code. Despite their fearsome appearance and volatile temperament, Wookiees were regarded as intelligent, sophisticated, loyal and trusting. When angered, Wookiees were known to descend into a berserker rage. Wookiees had a long lifespan, appearing not to age over a span of fifty years. During their prime growing years, Wookiees were often hungry, forcing them to eat whenever they could. One Wookiee, Lohgarra, lived healthily for centuries—the only distinction being her white fur. They could learn to understand other languages, like Galactic Basic Standard, but they were physically unable to speak them. To those who had not learned to understand Shyriiwook, the Wookiee language, it appeared they spoke in a series of growls and purrs. Although a rare phenomenon, Force-sensitive Wookiees were possible and some joined the ranks of the Jedi, a source of great pride to their people. One such Wookiee was the youngling Gungi.
Most Wookiees carried bowcasters as weaponry, which were handcrafted. The Wookiee people by and large hated Trandoshans, who were renowned as great hunters. The highest way a Wookiee could compliment someone was to groom them. In Wookiee society, loyalty and courage were valued as sacrosanct tenets.