Force Power: Waves of Darkness
Control difficulty:Moderate: 1-2 meters; Difficult: 3-10 meters; Very Difficult: 11-20 meters; Heroic:21-30 meters.
Alter difficulty: Moderate: 1-2 meters; Difficult: 3-10 meters; Very Difficult: 11-20 meters; Heroic:21-30 meters.
This power can be kept up.
Description/Notes: Use of this power gives the user a Dark Side Point. The Jedi can channel his/her anger into an expanding sphere of Dark Side energy, causing anyone caught in the sphere to feel confused and, later, to flee in terror. In game terms, anyone entering the area must make a Willpower or Control roll against the Jedi’s Control roll for activating the power. Failure means the target can’t take any action in the current round or in the next and must flee the next round. Success means that the target merely is confused and can only take one action per turn until leaving the area of energy.