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Name: Wag Too
Type: Lurmen Healer
Species: Lurmen
Homeworld: Maridun
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 1.04 meters
Skin: Gray

Brawling Parry: 3D
Dodge: 5D
Melee Combat: 4D
Melee Parry: 4D+1

Alien Species: 4D+1
Planetary Systems: 3D+1
Scholar (Medicine): 5D
Willpower: 4D

Beast Riding: 3D

Bargain: 4D+1
Investigation: 4D
Search: 4D
Persuasion: 4D+2

Brawling: 2D+1
Climbing/Jumping: 4D

First Aid: 5D+1

Special Abilities:
Arboreal: Lurmen are natural climbers, gaining +1D to all Climbing/Jumping rolls.
Small Size: Lurmen are small and slight creatures, requiring only half the sustenance of larger creatures.
Rolling: Some Lurmen had the ability to curl up into a ball and roll along the ground. Lurmen are able to cover large amounts of ground at great speed, gaining +5 to their move in this way, however they cannot do anything but move when curled up.

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
Move: 8

Equipment: Robes

Background: During the Clone Wars, Wag Too and other Lurmen lived in their village on Maridun. However, they were then visited by Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and Commander Bly after they crash-landed. At first, his father, Tee Watt Kaa, refused to aid the Jedi until Tano told them that her master, Anakin Skywalker, was close to dying. Wag Too then went with Tano and Bly while Secura stayed with his father. When they arrived at the crash site, Wag Too assisted Tano, Bly, and Captain Rex in subduing a mastiff phalone. Wag Too then treated Skywalker. After a stretcher was built, Wag Too and the other then returned to the village, where he uses oil from a seed pod to heal his wounds.

Wag Too then helped the Jedi and the clones hide when a Separatist landing ship landed at the village. Wag Too and the Jedi then watched as battle droids under General Lok Durd searched the village for weapons or Republic contraband. After the Jedi and Durd left, Wag Too spoke with his father. He did not like his father allowing them to be harassed by the Separatists, despite the temporary peace.

Wag Too then sent one of his friends to follow the Jedi. When news came that the Separatists were returning, Wag Too suggested they should defend themselves. However, he respected his father’s wishes. During the attack, Wag Too and the other villagers stood by until the battle droids were overwhelming the Jedi and clones. They then, despite Tee Watt Kaa’s objection, assisted Tano in defeating the droids by knocking them down. After Durd was captured, Wag Too thanked the Jedi before they departed.

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