Categories: Characters

Grice Enes

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Name: Grice Enes
Type: Scavenger
Species: Human
Homeworld: Arcturus VII
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Light

Blaster: 3D
Dodge: 3D+1
Melee Combat: 4D
Melee Parry: 3D+1

Search: 4D
Sneak: 4D

Languages: Huttese 4D
Planetary Systems: 4D
Survival: 4D+2

Brawling: 3D
Climbing/Jumping: 4D

Astrogation: 4D+2
Communications: 4D+1
Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+2
Sensors: 4D+2
Space Transports: 4D

Computer Programming/Repair: 3D+2
Droid Programming/Repair: 4D
Repulsorlift Repair: 5D
Space Transports Repair: 6D

Special Abilities:

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 6
Move: 10

Equipment:  Blaster Rifle (3D+2), Utility Clothes, Tools, Backpack, Knife (STR+1D)

Background: Grice Enes was a light-skinned human male scavenger with gray hair and a full beard and mustache residing on the remote Outer Rim planet of Khofar during the High Republic. Arcturus VII, known for its rugged terrain and sparse population, offered little in the way of opportunity or advancement. Growing up amidst the planet’s harsh conditions, Jarek learned the value of resourcefulness and resilience early.

Grice has a natural talent for scavenging and salvaging. He scours the planet’s forested landscapes for abandoned starship wreckage, ancient ruins, and discarded technology left behind by passing traders and explorers. His keen eye for valuable components and his knack for repairing and repurposing salvaged goods earns him a reputation as one of the most skilled scavengers on Khofar.

Life on Khofar is tough and solitary. Grice lives in a makeshift dwelling carved into the side of a rocky canyon, surrounded by the remnants of past civilizations. He survives by trading his finds with local traders for supplies and occasionally ventures into the planet’s few settlements to barter for goods he cannot find or create himself. With another scavenger, they come across a crashed starship, which is actually the shelter of the Wookiee Jedi Kelnacca on the planet Khofar. The two scavengers hope to find a hyperdrive within the wreckage but encounter Kelnacca. When the scavenger draws his blaster, Kelnacca Force pulls the blaster from his hands. In response, the two scavengers flee.

Appearances: The Acolyte

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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