Name: TQ3-R1
Type: Industrial Automaton PG-5 Gunnery Droid
Degree: Second Degree
Class: Astromech Droid
Sensor Color: Black
Plating Color: Silver
Gender: Masculine Programming
Personality Module: Simple
Capital Ship Gunnery 3D
Capital Ship Shields 4D
Communication 3D
Sensors 6D
Starship Gunnery 3D
Starship Shields 4D
Capital Ship Weapons Repair 5D
Computer Programming/Repair 4D
Starship Weapon Repair 5D
Equipped With:
• Three wheeled legs (one retractable)
• Heavy grasper arm
• Three medium arms (retractable)
• Laser welder (6D damage,0.3 meter range)
• Scomp link (+1D to allcomputer programming/repair rolls when linked to a computer system)
Move: 4
Size: 2 meters
Cost: 5,100 credits
Background: TQ3-R1 was a droid with silver and yellow plating and a gray sensor. It had two legs, a cylindrical body, and a dome-shaped head. In 35 ABY, the droid was on the planet Kijimi in the Thieves’ Quarter workshop of the droidsmith Babu Frik, a member of the Spice Runners of Kijimi.
The droid was stood amidst a pile of other droids besides an oil bath near the steps down into the workshop when a group of Resistance agents brought the protocol droid C-3PO in for a complete redacted memory bypass. Not long after the agents left, the entire planet of Kijimi was destroyed by the Final Order, although Frik managed to escape beforehand.
In an effort to capitalize on the popularity of the R-series astromech droid series, Industrial Automaton created the PG-5 gunnery droid. Programmed to not only repair and maintain weapon systems, the PG-5 was designed to take control of a starships offensive and defensive systems, freeing up vital crewmembers and increasing targeting efficiency. The line was a complete failure.
Specifically targeted for sale to the Imperial Navy, the Empire bought up the entire prototype run for field testing. The test was a disaster. The droid is a looming 2 meters tall, and very clunky, making cramped gunnery stations even more claustrophobic. PG-5’s also had no audio communication system or display screen, and were only able to communicate if connected via a scomp link. The most major deficiency, however, was that the droid simply was not aggressive. Imperial starship captains tried reassigning the droids to be backup gunners, but still the droid lagged behind organic crewmen.
With the Empire canceling their order of PG-5s, Industrial Automaton liquidated the entire run, comprising of only a few hundred units, to the open markets. PG-5s found themselves in the hands of mercenaries, local governments and pirates. One smuggler named F’rod heavily modified his PG-5, increasing its combat motivator, programming it with a more reliable combat matrix and giving it a personality matrix.