Species: Tirrith
Home Planet: Beheboth
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Hive: Tirrith are part of a larger hive, and all members of the hive share an empathic bond. If a Tirrith character suffers pain, the rest of his hive will feel it as well. If a Tirrith is killed, the members of his hive may die as well. For each point of damage suffered by a Tirrith character, his hive suffers two points.
Non-Corporeal: Tirrith characters can be harmed only by energy weapons and vacuum. They can force their way into any non-hermetically-sealed room as an action. They cannot utilize any equipment.
Somniferous Gas: Tirrith can reconstitute their planet’s atmosphere into a powerful knockout gas. If non-Tirrith characters inhale this gas, they must make a Very Difficult Strength check or fall unconscious for 1D+2 hours, unless revived by a medpack. Treat the creation of the gas a ranged attack (range: 1-4/12/25) with a 2 meter blast radius.
Telepathy: A Tirrith character can communicate telepathically with any number of beings within 20 meters. Anyone wishing to resist this telepathic contact must succeed in an opposed Perception check against the Tirrith in question. Anyone receiving a telepathic communication from a Tirrith “hears” the message in their own language.
Story Factors:
Pacifists: Tirrith are fundamental pacifists that have a hard time conceiving violence against other beings.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.8 to 2.2 meters
Background: The Tirrith were an energy-based species of hive-minded sentients indigenous to Beheboth. Unlike most species of the galaxy, the Tirrith existed in gaseous form. Behoboth was a sparsely-inhabited backwater world, so the peculiar species were rarely studied; the galactic scientific community, by the time of the Galactic Civil War, had not yet reached a conclusion about whether the Tirrith represented a single huge group consisting of almost 17 million individuals, or several thousand colonies of anywhere from a few dozen to hundreds each.
The Tirrith had the ability to affect the atmosphere at atomic level, as demonstrated when they electrically seeded Beheboth’s atmosphere and brought rain to the salt flats for the first time in centuries, in 3 ABY.
Around 8 ABY, former Imperial admiral Mils Giel discovered he could mutate the Tirrith.