Force Power: Time Awareness
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Required Powers: Magnify senses, sense Force
Time to Use: One round
Effect: A rarely used power, a Jedi can sense how much time has passed since a previous incident or event. This allows a Jedi to synchronize his sense of timing to perform a specific task at the right moment.

In GM terms, if the Jedi makes the required roll, he or she receives a bonus for a specific action in the next round. This bonus can only be applied to one specific action. The bonus depends on the results of the roll.

Roll ≥ difficulty by:Bonus

Game Note: This power could be associated with the sense Force power, but there is nothing in the description of sense Force that suggests a Jedi can use it to sense the passage of time. While a Jedi can learn this power from a teacher or a Holocron, it is possible that with experience, a Jedi might discover this power on his or her on. It is up the GM to determine how a Jedi learns this power.