Name: Thongla Jur
Type: Jedi Master
Species: Anx
Homeworld: Gravlex Med
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 2.2 m
Weight: —
Skin: Blue-Gray
Brawling Parry: 4D+2
Dodge: 6D
Lightsaber: 7D
Melee Combat: 5D+1
Melee Parry: 5D+2
Pick Pocket: 5D
Alien Species: 5D
Cultures: 5D
Intimidation: 4D
Languages: 4D
Planetary Systems: 5D
Scholar: Jedi Lore 6D+2
Streetwise: 6D
Survival: 4D+2
Value: 5D
Willpower: 5D
Astrogation: 4D
Beast Riding: 3D
Communications: 4D
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
Sensors: 4D
Space Transports: 4D
Starfighter Piloting: 4D+2
Starship Gunnery: 4D
Starship Shields: 4D
Swoop Operation: 4D
Bargain: 5D+1
Command: 4D+1
Investigation: 6D+2
Persuasion: 7D
Search: 6D+1
Brawling: 5D+2
Climbing/Jumping: 4D
Stamina: 4D
Computer Programming/Repair: 5D
Droid Programming / Repair: 4D+1
Equipment Repair: 4D
First Aid: 3D+2
Security: 5D
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 9D+2, Sense 9D+2, Alter 7D
Force Powers:
Control: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing, concentrate, control pain, detoxify poison, emptiness, enhance attribute, force of will, hibernation trance, reduce injury, remain conscious, resist stun, short term memory enhancement
Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force, sense Force potential, sense path
Alter: Telekinesis
Control and Sense: Farseeing, lightsaber combat, projective telepathy, taming beasts
Control and Alter: Accelerate another’s healing, battle meditation, control another’s pain, enhance another’s attribute, memory walk, return another to consciousness
Sense and Alter: Dim Another’s Senses, force shield
Control, Sense and Alter: Affect mind, control mind
Blindsight: Anx have exceptionally poor eyesight, and instead use sense organs along their crests, knees, and elbows to “smell” the world around them. Communication at a Distance: Anx speak in a booming, low-frequency language that other Anx can hear up to five kilometers away.
Increased Hand-to-Hand Damage: Due to their physiology, Anx characters add +1D to their Strength score when rolling their hand-to-hand damage.
Fin Cloaks: The skin and fins of an Anx change colors to reflect their emotions, making an Anx’s basic mood easy to decipher. As a result, Anx characters often wear fin cloaks that make it more difficult for others to interpret their emotions. An Anx without a fin cloak suffers a -2D penalty to all Bargain and Con skill checks.
Background: Thongla Jur was an Anx Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Jur was the owner of the somewhat timid modified R5 unit astromech droid U9-C4, who later worked with D-Squad, a Republic Military squad made up of five elite droids, to secure a Separatist encryption module. In 20 BBY, Jur was present in the Jedi Temple’s communication center when Jedi Master Mace Windu gave a presentation outlining the details of the operation. Jur stood behind U9-C4 and to the left of Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, the owner of the D-Squad astromech QT-KT, while Windu spoke. After the arrival of Colonel Meebur Gascon, the leader of the squad, Jur left the room.
Thongla Jur had blue-gray skin and gray eyes. The Jedi wore traditional Jedi robes, altered to accommodate the physiology of an Anx by allowing the species’ tail to flow freely out the back.