Name: Tantive III
Craft: Corellian Engineering CR70 Corvette
Type: Mid-sized multi-purpose vessel
Scale: Capital
Length: 150 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Corellian Corvette
Crew: 18-150, depending upon configuration (30 typical)
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D+1, capital ship piloting 3D+2, capital ship shields 3D, sensors 3D+1
Passengers: Up to 600, depending upon configuration
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: 2.9 million (new), 1.0 million (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 35/1D
Scan: 70/2D
Search: 90/3D
Focus: 4/4D

2 Light Turbolaser Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret (Dorsal and Ventral)
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/72/150 km
Damage: 4D

Compacity: 1 Belbullab-22 heavy starfighter

Background: The Tantive III, also known as the Sundered Heart, was Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan’s personal diplomatic cruiser during the Clone Wars. Its captain was Raymus Antilles. Unlike other ships of its class, the Tantive III had a hangar large enough to fit a starfighter the size of Grievous’s personal ship inside. The senator used it to rescue Jedi Grand Master Yoda and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, survivors of Order 66.

Appearances: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith