Reed was a human male X-wing pilot for the New Republic. He held the rank of lieutenant in the New Republic Starfighter Corps and was paired with Captain Carson Teva during their patrol above the planet Tatooine.
Tag: The Book of Boba Fett
Glavis was a ring space station that contained a city home to a variety of species. Orbiting mirrors provided day/night cycles for those living on the interior of the ring.
Din Djarin’s N-1 starfighter
A modified N-1 starfighter was owned by Din Djarin. After the destruction of the Razor Crest, Djarin and Peli Motto worked together to build the ship as a replacement.
BD Unit Droid
Background: BD units were companion droids designed to assist with operations in remote and dangerous locations across the galaxy; programmed to be the ideal assistant to researchers or explorers operating alone in the field, they were designed to traverse all types of terrain. As a result of their manufacturer collapsing, BD units were a relatively rare sight in the galaxy.
KX-Series Security Droid
KX-series security droids, also referred to as KX-series enforcer droids, were a model of security droid manufactured by Arakyd Industries that was in service to the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.
Unknown Klatooinian Don
A don represented the Tatooine Klatooinian family at a banquet held by the crime lord Boba Fett.
Cybernetics Specialist
<< Previous Page Name: Mos Eisley Cybernetics SpecialistType: Cybernetics SpecialistSpecies: HumanHomeworld: —Gender: MaleBorn: —Died: —Hair Color: Black / YellowEye Color: —Height: —Weight: —Skin: Dark DEXTERITY 2DDodge: 4DMelee Combat: Laser Scalpel 3D+2 KNOWLEDGE 3DAlien Species: 5D+1Business: 4DLanguages: 4DScholar: Cybernetics MECHANICAL 3DMachinery Operation: 5DSensors: Medical Equipment 5D PERCEPTION 2D+1Command: Medical Staff 5DSearch: 5D STRENGTH 2DConstruction: 4DStamina: 4D […]
COO-series Cook Droid
The COO cook droid was a class-five chef droid created as a joint venture between Industrial Automaton and Publictechnic before the Clone Wars.