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<< Previous Page Name: C-3PO (As of The Clone Wars)Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations DroidDegree: 3rd DegreeClass: Protocol DroidSensor Color: YellowPlating Color: GoldGender: MasculinePersonality Module: Advanced DEXTERITY 2DDodge 3D KNOWLEDGE 5D+2Alien Species 6DBureaucracy 6D+2Cultures 7D+1Languages 11DPlanetary Systems 6D MECHANICAL 3DRepulsorlift Operation 3D+2 PERCEPTION 3D+1Bargain 5DCon 4D STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 3D Equipped With:• Humanoid body […]


C-3PO, sometimes spelled See-Threepio and often referred to simply as Threepio, was a 3PO-series protocol droid designed to interact with organics, programmed primarily for etiquette and protocol. He was fluent in over six million forms of communication, and developed a fussy and worry-prone personality throughout his many decades of operation. Along with his counterpart, the astromech droid R2-D2, C-3PO constantly found himself directly involved in pivotal moments of galactic history, and aided in saving the galaxy on many occasions.


<< Previous Page Name: C-3PO (As of The Last Jedi)Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations DroidDegree: 3rd DegreeClass: Protocol DroidSensor Color: YellowPlating Color: GoldGender: MasculinePersonality Module: Complex DEXTERITY 2DDodge 5D+2 KNOWLEDGE 5D+2Alien species 11D+1Bureaucracy 10D+2Cultures 10DLanguages 12D+1Planetary Systems 11DSurvival 6D+2Value 6D+2 MECHANICAL 3DRepulsorlift Operation 4D+2 PERCEPTION 3D+1Bargain 8DCon 6DHide 5D+1Sneak 5D+1 STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 3DFirst […]


<< Previous Page Name: C-3PO (As of the Phantom Menace)Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations DroidDegree: 3rd DegreeClass: Protocol DroidSensor Color: YellowPlating Color: NoneGender: MasculinePersonality Module: Advanced DEXTERITY 2DDodge 3D KNOWLEDGE 5D+2Bureaucracy 6DCultures 7DLanguages 10D+1 MECHANICAL 3DRepulsorlift Operation 3D+1 PERCEPTION 3D+1Bargain 4D+2 STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 3D Equipped With:• Humanoid body (two arms, two legs, head)• […]


<< Previous Page Name: C-3PO (As of the Attack of the Clones)Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations DroidDegree: 3rd DegreeClass: Protocol DroidSensor Color: YellowPlating Color: GreyGender: MasculinePersonality Module: Elementary DEXTERITY 2DDodge 3D KNOWLEDGE 5D+2Bureaucracy 6DCultures 7DLanguages 10D+1 MECHANICAL 3DRepulsorlift Operation 3D+1 PERCEPTION 3D+1Bargain 4D+2 STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 3D Equipped With:• Humanoid body (two arms, two […]


<< Previous Page Name: C-3PO (As of the Return of the Jedi)Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations DroidDegree: 3rd DegreeClass: Protocol DroidSensor Color: YellowPlating Color: GoldGender: MasculinePersonality Module: Advanced DEXTERITY 2DDodge 5D KNOWLEDGE 5D+2Alien species 7D+1Bureaucracy 8D+2Cultures 8DLanguages 12D+1Planetary Systems 6DSurvival 5D+2Value 5D+2 MECHANICAL 3DRepulsorlift Operation 4D+2 PERCEPTION 3D+1Bargain 6DCon 5DHide 4D+1Sneak 4D+1 STRENGTH 2D […]


<< Previous Page Name: C-3PO (As of the Empire Strikes Back)Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations DroidDegree: 3rd DegreeClass: Protocol DroidSensor Color: YellowPlating Color: GoldGender: MasculinePersonality Module: Advanced DEXTERITY 2DDodge 4D+2 KNOWLEDGE 5D+2Alien species 7D+1Bureaucracy 8DCultures 8DLanguages 12D+1Planetary systems 6DSurvival 5D+2Value 5D+2 MECHANICAL 3DRepulsorlift operation 4D PERCEPTION 3D+1Bargain 6DCon 5D STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 3DFirst Aid […]


<< Previous Page Name: C-3PO (As of the Battle of Yavin)Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations DroidDegree: 3rd DegreeClass: Protocol DroidSensor Color: YellowPlating Color: GoldGender: MasculinePersonality Module: Advanced DEXTERITY 2DDodge 4D KNOWLEDGE 5D+2Alien species 7DBureaucracy 8DCultures 8DLanguages 12DPlanetary systems 6D MECHANICAL 3DRepulsorlift Operation: 4D PERCEPTION 3D+1Bargain: 6DCon: 5D STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 3D Equipped With:• Humanoid […]