Name: Stonk
Type: Senator
Species: Ithorian
Homeworld: Ithor
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Black
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: Brown
Blaster 3D,
Dodge 3D+1
Bureaucracy: 5D+1
Business: 4D
Cultures: 6D+2
Languages: 3D+2
Planetary Systems: 5D
Scholar: Galactic Politics 6D
Value: 5D+2
Bargain: 5D+1
Con: 4D+2
Persuasion: 5D+2
Brawling 3D
Computer programming/repair: 5D
Special Abilities:
Agriculture: Time to use: at least one standard week. The character has a good working knowledge of crops and animal herds, and can suggest appropriate crops for a type of soil, or explain why crop yields have been affected.
Ecology: Time to use: at least one standard month. The character has a good working knowledge of the interdependent nature of ecoshperes, and can determine how proposed changes will affect the sphere. This skill can be used in one minute to determine the probable role of a lifeform within it biosphere: predator, prey, symbiote, parasite or some other quick description of its ecological niche.
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 6
Move: 10
Equipment: Senatorial Robes, comlink, datapad
Background: Stonk was a male Ithorian Senator who served in the Galactic Republic Senate during the Clone Wars. Circa 21 BBY, he retracted his vote from Senator Padmé Amidala’s proposal to stop the production of additional clone troopers for the Grand Army of the Republic out of concern for his “public opinion.”