Name: Snowball
Species: Bilge rat
Planet of Origin: Unidentified


Special Abilities:

Move: 15
Size: 0.25 meters long

Background: Snowball was a four-eyed Bilge rat who nested within the droid SM-33. Around 9 ABY, the children Wim, Neel, Fern, and KB discovered the buried starship Onyx Cinder on the planet At Attin. Inside, Neel examined the deactivated SM-33 and was startled when Snowball jumped out of the droid’s eye socket. Later, after the ship had made a hyperspace jump and SM-33 had been reactivated, Snowball scurried across the vessel’s control panel and jumped onto Neel while the droid was searching his memory bank for the children’s homeworld. The droid was unable to recall it and took the children to the Port Borgo spaceport. There, SM-33 was shot with an ion rifle while attempting to rescue the children from pirates, and they and Snowball were locked in the port’s brig. Neel attempted to train Snowball to retrieve the cell’s key, but when the rat reached the key, it instead scurried away.

Appearances: Skeleton Crew