Name: Shollan
Type: Mon Calamari Lieutenant
Species: Mon Calamari
Homeworld: Mon Cala
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Gray
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: White
Planetary Systems: 3D+2
Value: 3D+2
Bargain: 4D
Command: 3D+2
Astrogation: 5D
Capital Ship Gunnery: 3D+2
Capital Ship Piloting: 3D+2
Capital Ship Shields: 3D+1
Space Transports: 3D
Starfighter Piloting: 4D+2
Capital Ship Repair: 4D
Computer Programming / Repair: 3D+2
Special Abilities:
Moist Environment: When in moist environments, Mon Calamari receives a + 1D bonus to all Dexterity, Perception, and Strength attributes and skill checks.
Dry Environments: When in arid environments. Mon Calamari seems depressed and withdrawn. They suffer a -1D penalty to all Dexterity, Perception, and Strength attributes and skill checks.
Aquatic: Mon Calamari can breathe air and water and withstand extreme pressures in ocean depths.
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
Move: 10
Equipment: comlink, datapad, Mon Calamari Navy Uniform
Background: Lieutenant Shollan was a Mon Calamari male who served under Admiral Raddus in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Hailing from the waterworld of Mon Cala, he and fellow Mon Calamari Caitken were aides to Raddus. In 1 BBY, the three attended a briefing about the possibility of an attack on Scarif to steal the Death Star plans. When a group of rogue rebels carried out the mission, Raddus joined their attack onboard his flagship, the Profundity, with Shollan and Caitken.
At Scarif, Shollan gave Raddus several updates throughout the battle. During the fight, the Profundity could destroy the Shield Gate at the instructions of former Imperial pilot Bodhi Rook, who was on the surface. At that point, Shollan excitedly reported to Raddus that they were receiving a transmission from Scarif. The Death Star, whose plans they had stolen, then emerged from hyperspace, so Raddus called for the fleet to jump to hyperspace; however, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer disabled the Profundity and most of the crew aboard it perished.
Appearances: Rogue One