Name: Seripas
Type: Bounty Hunter
Species: Ssori
Homeworld: Ssori Fragments
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Yellow
Height: 0.74 meters
Weight: —
Skin: Gray
Armor Weapons: 5D+2
Blaster: 5D
Dodge: 4D
Alien Species: 4D
Cultures: 4D
Intimidation: 7D (Powersuit)
Planetary Systems: 4D
Streetwise: 4D
Survival: 3D+1
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
Space Transports: 4D
Starship Gunnery: 3D+2
Starship Shields: 3D+2
Bargain: 4D
Con: 5D+2
Search: 4D+1
Sneak: 4D+1
Brawling: 2D
Climbing/Jumping: 4D
Computer Programming/Repair: 5D+1
Powersuit Repair: 5D
Repulsorlift Repair: 4D+2
Space Transport Repair: 4D+1
Special Abilities:
Power Suit Compensation: Because Ssori are diminutive in comparison with most sentients, especially humans, many compensate by using human-sized power suits. At character creation a Ssori character recieves a +1D bonus for the initial 1D placed in powersuit operation. The character may place an additional 1D in this skill but receives no further bonus.
Game Notes: Ssori characters who have put at least 1D into the powersuit operation skill may start play with a Ssori powersuit
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
Move: 10
Equipment: Ssori powersuit
Background: Seripas was a diminutive Ssori male bounty hunter who wore a suit of armor to make him appear average size. A friend of Sugi, he aided her in protecting a Felucian farming village threatened by the Ohnaka Gang, and later accompanied her in rescuing the Wookiee Chewbacca on Wasskah. Seripas initially kept his size a secret, but after his armor was destroyed on Felucia, he was fine letting himself be seen.