Name: Selif Xam
Type: Physician
Species: Kallidahin
Homeworld: Kallidah
Gender: Male
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Black
Weight: —
Skin: White

Dodge: 3D+1
Melee Combat: Laser Scalpel: 2D+1

Alien Species: 4D
Languages: 3D+2

(A) Bacta Tank Operation: 5D+2
Sensors: Medical Equipment 3D

Bargain: 5D+2
Search: 5D+2

Stamina: 3D

Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
First Aid: 5D
(A) Injury/Ailment Diagnostics 5D
(A) Medicine: 4D

Special Abilities:
Skilled Physicians: Kallidahin treat the Medicine advanced skill like a regular skill advancement cost purposes.
Dark vision: Kallidahin are able to see in complete darkness, suffering no penalties. However, they cannot perceive colors in total darkness.
Mute: Kallidahin have no vocal cords, and must rely on a combination of sign language computers, and telepathy in order to communicate with others. When they learn new languages, they can understand but not speak them.
Limited Telepathy: Kallidahin are able to employ a weak form of telepathy that allows them to convey simple feelings and thoughts to any willing recipient. This is a free action for targets within 20 meters, beyond that it requires a Perception roll of Moderate difficulty, modified by proximity like a Force Power.

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 10
Move: 10

Equipment: Comlink, Datapad, Medkit, Medical Scanner

Background: Selif Xam was a Polis Massan physician who lived and worked in an archaeological research station on Polis Massa. During the Clone Wars, Xam was part of a team investigating ancient ruins on the asteroids formed during the destruction of the original Polis Massa planet. When Padmé Amidala was near death and brought into the facility, it was Xam who led the medical team to deliver her unborn children. Despite possessing limited knowledge of Human birth, Xam reprogrammed his medical droids to assist him in the delivery. Although Padmé could not be saved, they did succeed in saving her twins, Luke and Leia.

Appearances: Episode III Revenge of the Sith