Species: Sauvax
Home Planet: Leritor
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Amphibious: Sauvax can survive both on land and in water, and gain a +1D bonus to their Swimming skill.
Enhanced Senses: Sauvax characters have a permanent +2 pip bonus to all Search skill rolls.
Natural Armor: Sauvax characters possess a thick shell which provides a +1D bonus to all Strength checks made to resist physical damage.
Move: 10/12
Size: —
Background: The Sauvax were a sentient species native to the planet Leritor. They were amphibious crustaceans with great physical strength, distinguished by big pincers on their arms and six crab-like legs. While fearsome looking to Humans, the Sauvax were actually peaceful beings who preferred negotiation over war to settle disputes. They had a rich, complex culture that was not completely understood by outsiders. The planet Leritor held little attraction for most alien entrepreneurs and settlers, making the Sauvax species little known and affording them few chances to leave their planet. They had little contact with aliens and no tradition of Force users.
At some point in Leritor’s history, the Sith tried to take over the Sauvax, but the offworlders eventually disappeared, leaving a hidden Sith artifact. Later, the planet was sparsely settled by Human farmers from the Core Worlds who agreed to share the planet with the Sauvax, although they reduced the specific contact to a minimum. Centuries later, a Sith adept looking for Sith relics tried to unleash a war among the Sauvax and the Humans to distract the locals while she performed archaeological activities, exploiting Sauvax prisoners as underwater miners. However, some offworlders discovered the situation, and the Sith and her minions were defeated and peace was restored to Leritor.