Craft: SoroSuub Corporation RGC-6b Escape Pod
Type: Emergency Lifeboat
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 10 meters
Skill: Space transports: Lifeboat
Crew: 1
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 1 ton (no passengers)
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: 11,000 (new), 2,400 (used)
Space: 2
Atmosphere: 225; 650 kmh
Maneuverability: 1D
Hull: 1D
Passive: 9/1D
Background: The SoroSuub Corporation RGC-6b escape pod was a model of escape pod used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic as well as the gangster Azmorigan. They were crewed by one pilot and could accommodate a number of passengers. Phoenix Home, Merchant One, and Vanguard were equipped with RGC-6b escape pods.