Saturday, September 7, 2024

Que-Mars Redath-Gom

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Name: Que-Mars Redath-Gom
Type: Jedi Knight
Species: Weequay
Homeworld: Sriluur
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: Brown

Acrobatics: 3D+2
Brawling Parry: 5D
Dodge: 6D
Lightsaber: 6D+1
Melee Combat: 5D+1
Melee Parry: 5D+1

Bureaucracy: 3D+1
Cultures: 3D
Languages: 3D+1
Planetary Systems: 4D+1
Scholar: Jedi Lore 4D+1

Astrogation: 4D
Beast Riding: 3D
Communications: 3D
Starfighter Piloting: 4D
Starship Gunnery: 4D+1
Starship Shields: 4D+1

Bargain: 3D+1
Command: 4D+2
Con: 3D
Investigation: 4D+1
Persuasion: 4D+1

Brawling: 5D
Swimming: 3D+1

Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
Lightsaber Repair: 4D+2

Special Abilities:

Force Skills: Control: 6D+1, Sense: 5D, Alter: 5D+1

Force Powers:

Control: accelerate healing, concentration, control disease, control pain, enhance attribute, force of will, hibernation trance, reduce injury, remain conscious, remove fatigue

Sense: Combat sense, life detection, life sense, receptive telepathy, sense Force

Alter: Telekinesis

Control and Sense: Farseeing, lightsaber combat, projective telepathy

Control and Alter: Accelerate another’s healing, control another’s disease, control another’s pain

Control, Sense and Alter: Affect mind

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 10
Move: 10

Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), Jedi Robes, Datapads, Comlink

Background: Que-Mars Redath-Gom was a male Weequay Jedi Knight who fought for the Galactic Republic in the First Battle of Geonosis at the start of the Clone Wars.

Appearances: Episode II Attack of the Clones

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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