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Name: QT-K2 (Qutee)
Type: Industrial Automaton R2 Astromech Droid
Degree: 2nd Degree
Class: Astromech Droid
Sensor Color: Pink
Plating Color: Pink and White
Gender: Feminine Programming
Personality Module: Advanced

Dodge: 2D+2
Electroshock Prod: 3D+2

Planetary Systems: 6D+1
Survival: 5D
Value: 5D

Astrogation: 8D+2
Communications: 5D
Sensors: 6D+1
Starfighter Piloting: 5D

Sneak: 3D+2

Lifting: 4D

Computer Programming/Repair: 7D
Machinery Repair: 5D+1
Security: 5D+1
Starfighter Repair: 5D+2
Space transports Repair: 5D

Equipped With:
• Three wheeled legs (one retractable)
• Retractable heavy grasping arm (+1D to lifting)
• Retractable fine work heavy grasper arm
• Extendable 0.3 meter long video sensor (360º rotation)
• Small electric arc welder (3D damage, 0.3 m range
• Small circular saw (4D damage, 0.3 meter range)
• Video display screen
• Holographic projector/recorder (one meter range)
• Fire extinguisher
• High pitch acoustic signaler
• One Long range sensing array: includes radar, radiation counter and life form sensor, infrared receptors, electromagnetic field receptor (+3D to search at range of up to 100 meters)
• Broad-band antenna receiver (can monitor all broadcast and communication frequencies)
• Information storage/retrieval jack for computer link-up
• Repulsorlift High-power magnet

Move: 5
Height: 1 meter
Cost: 4,525 (new)

Game Note: Astromech droids, if acting in co-pilot capacity, may attempt starship repair while in flight.
High-powered Magnet: QT-K2 had installed a repulsor magnet in her dome that could lift 50 kg such as floating bombs.

Background: QT-KT, also referred to as Qutee, was an R2-series astromech droid member of D-Squad during the Clone Wars. She belonged to Jedi Knight Aayla Secura.

Around 20 BBY, QT-KT and the rest of D-Squad, led by Colonel Meebur Gascon, were given the mission of infiltrating a Separatist ship and stealing an encryption module.

When the squad saw the Parwan doctor Gubacher, he installed in QT-KT a modification that allowed her to release a high-power magnet. This came to use during the mission when the squad had to remove several floating bombs from a room. QT’s magnet collected the mines and stored them within herself. She soon used them in combat against the droid security squad that discovered their subterfuge. Once R2-D2 managed to snag the module, D-Squad had to escape as the alarm was being sounded. However, Artoo insisted that they not leave M5-BZ behind. Acknowledging that Artoo was right, Gascon said they would repair him on the shuttle. Artoo and QT then helped move BZ to the shuttle, as D-Squad escaped the dreadnaught without alerting suspicion.

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