Species: Purrgil
Type: Deep Space Creature
Flight: 4D
Special Abilities:
Natural Hyperspace Travel: Purrgil have the natural ability to enter hyperspace (8x). This requires effort and requires them to store adequate natural stores for this. Requiring them to consume large quantities of Clouzon-36 or similar substance. Its takes the Purrgil 2D rounds to enter hyperspace.
Savant Astrogation: Purrgil require no time to calculate their destination and can even alter their destination while in hyperspace without error.
Move: 3 space
Size: 22 meters (starfighter scale)
Background: A species of massive, whale-like creatures that live in deep space, traveling from star system to star system. It is their natural ability to fly through hyperspace that inspired sentients to develop the hyperdrive technology. However, according to Hera Syndulla, most spacers consider purrgil a pest due to their habit of approaching and flying into starships near their flight paths, and for ships crashing into their swarms during hyperspace travel. Numerous spacer deaths can be attributed to purrgil-related incidents, leading most spacers to fire upon them on sight.
Biology & Appearance
Purrgil are large creatures with a streamlined, torpedo-shaped body, and a horizontally flattened head with two cloudy eyes placed on the sides of it. They have four large hind tentacles, a single dorsal fin, and two side fins, all of which allow them to move gracefully across the vacuum of realspace. The skin of purrgil is smooth-looking, and often a bluish purple color. Their large mouths are filled with egg-shaped, irregularly implanted teeth. Some specimens have slender, whiskerlike organs near the mouth.
In order to breathe, these space-whales need to inhale stores of a specific green gas, Clouzon-36. Once sufficiently provided with said gas, they can jump into hyperspace.
Purrgil live in groups called flocks or swarms that could count up to eight individuals. Such groups are led by a bigger specimen, referred to as a Purrgil King. Although they show a certain degree of intelligence, the purrgil could unintentionally cause harm by crashing into starships, killing their occupants in the process.
Several millennia before the First Order Resistance conflict, the purrgil’s ability to travel through hyperspace inspired sentients to find their own way of entering that alternate dimension. After studying purrgil, sentient beings ended up inventing the hyperdrive.
Although few people actually witnessed their special ability to attain lightspeed, the purrgil became the stuff of legend for smugglers and pilots across the galaxy. However, due to their habit of unwittingly crashing into starships, the legendary space-whales came to be regarded as “a big, lumbering menace.”
Appearances: Star Wars Rebels, The Mandalorian