Model: Punch Disc
Type: ID Card
Availability: 1
Background: Punch discs were rectangular golden cards with rounded corners. They could be inserted into slots on a payment dispenser in order to trigger the dispensing of credits. In 9 BBY, the workers at Tibidon Station, on the planet Tatooine carried punch discs, and used them with a payment dispenser attached to the top of a GNK-series power droid at the end of their shifts. After one shift, the worker Padu Cherd inserted his disc only to discover that he had only received half his pay. He begged the foreman, Groff Ditcher, for the rest, but was threatened into silence. Cherd’s fellow worker Obi-Wan Kenobi scowled at Ditcher, but ultimately inserted his punch disc into the dispenser without saying anything.
Appearances: Obi-Wan Kenobi