Saturday, September 7, 2024

Plagueis (Acolyte)

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Name: Plagueis / Darth Plagueis the Wise (as of The Acolyte)
Type: Sith Lord
Species: Muun
Homeworld: Scipio
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: 32 ABY (968 GC)
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Orange
Height: 2.01 meters
Weight: 78 kg
Skin: Pale

Dodge: 9D
Lightsaber: 8D
Melee Combat: 5D+1
Melee Parry: 5D+1

Alien species 10D
Bureaucracy: Galactic Republic 12D
Cultures: 10D
Genetics: 8D
Heist Coordination: 7D
Intimidation 15D
Languages: 8D
Planetary Systems: 7D
Scholar: Arcane Technologies 9D
Scholar: Bioengineering 12D
Scholar: Dark Side Lore 12D
Scholar: Jedi Lore 12D
Scholar: Microbiology 15D
Scholar: Sith Alchemy 12D
Streetwise: 8D
Survival: 7D+2
Value: 8D
Willpower: 12D+1

Astrogation: 3D
Beast Riding: 3D
Machinery Operation: 5D
Space Transports: 3D
Starfighter Piloting: 3D
Starship Gunnery: 2D+1
Starship Shields: 3D

Bargain: 9D
Command: 9D
Con: 8D
Hide: 7D+2
Investigation: 7D
Persuasion: 11D
Search: 5D
Sneak: 8D

Stamina: 6D

Computer Programming / Repair: 5D
Droid Programming / Repair: 4D+1
(A) Engineering: 5D
(A) Equipment Engineering: 8D
Equipment Repair: 9D+1
Encryption: 6D
(A) Genetic Engineering: 10D
Lightsaber Repair 6D
Machinery Repair: 5D+2
(A) Medicine: 4D
Security: 3D+2
Space Transports Repair: 4D
Starfighter Repair: 4D

Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 15D, Sense 13D, Alter 12D

Force Powers:

Control: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing, concentrate, control pain, detoxify poison, enhance attribute, hibernation trance, rage, reduce injury, remain conscious, resist stun, short-term memory enhancement

Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force

Alter: Injure/kill, telekinesis

Control and Sense: Farseeing, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy

Control and Alter: Accelerate Another’s Healing, Control Another’s Pain, Feed on Dark Side, Force Lightning, Inflict Pain, Return Another to Consciousness, Transfer Force

Control, Sense and Alter: Affect Mind, Control Mind, Doppelganger, Drain Life Energy, Drain Life Essence, Enhanced Coordination, Memory Rub, Telekinetic Kill, Transfer Life

Sense and Alter: Dim Other’s Senses

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 22
Dark Side Points: 20
Character Points: 35

Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), Robes

Background: Darth Plagueis was a legendary Muun Dark Lord of the Sith trained by the Sith Master Darth Tenebrous. At some point during his life, Plagueis acquired the protocol droid 11-4D. During his time as a Sith Lord and studying the Force, Plagueis acquired vast knowledge about the dark side and its teachings.

During the High Republic Era, Plagueis had begun to work actively against the Jedi. In 132 BBY, Plagueis was present on an island on a planet inhabited by the Sith Lord known as “the Stranger.” While there, he lurked in the shadows of the Stranger’s cave abode as he observed the Stranger and the former Jedi Padawan Verosha Aniseya depart from the planet in their ship, Exile II.

The precise time when Plagueis came to acquire his Sith apprentice was unknown, but the Dark Lord chose Sheev Palpatine, a human from Naboo, as his pupil. As master and disciple, Plagueis and Palpatine—who took the Sith moniker Darth Sidious—worked together for years, trying to unlock the secrets of immortality as Plagueis lusted for it and to execute the Sith Order’s long-percolating plan of supplanting the Galactic Republic with a new Sith Empire.

While training Sidious, Plagueis taught him that two Sith were required for their perilous machinations. So, if they worked together by the Rule of Two, with one of them serving as bait for the dark side of the Force and the other as a vessel, they would succeed in acquiring the ability to harness the full power of the dark side and rule immortal for ten thousand years. While apprenticed by Plagueis, Sidious also built his lightsabers.

Plagueis attempted to forge a Force dyad with Sidious, a unique Force bond as strong as life itself and the predecessor to the Rule of Two. However, Plagueis was unsuccessful in forming the dyad.

Believing the secrets to immortality to lie in science, Plagueis conducted in-depth research into the biological underpinnings of life. Some of that research constituted unnatural experiments, through his ability to coax the midi-chlorians in an attempt to cheat death, that, though incomplete, were encouraging to his apprentice. The Sith Order had long coveted the ability to live forever, unwilling to accept the Jedi Order’s belief that death was a natural part of life, but over the centuries, generations of Sith Lords failed to unlock the ability that led to eternal life. He was so obsessed with the subject that he ignored the signs that his “faithful apprentice” was progressing disturbingly for him.

According to Darth Sidious’ book, The Secrets of the Sith, Plagueis discovered a form of immortality through transference. This Force power allowed the user to transfer consciousness to another body, essentially using bodies as vessels.

Darth Plagueis had arranged for his apprentice to become the Senator of Naboo and the rest of the Chommell sector, with Palpatine elected in 52 BBY. By the time Sidious, under his public persona of Sheev Palpatine, was appointed to the Galactic Senate as the Senator of Naboo, Plagueis was still teaching him, which allowed Palpatine to sharpen his political skills within the plan imagined for him by his master before they returned to Coruscant.

According to Sidious, Plagueis was powerful enough to use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life and keep the ones he cared about from dying, a precious knowledge that awarded him the epithet of “the Wise.” However, Plagueis also developed a belief that the Force could “strike back” at him for his power. In truth, he became so powerful that the only thing he still dreaded was losing his power.

Ultimately, Plagueis’ only fear was bound to come true; at some point, Sidious had learned everything he needed from his distracted master, after which he decided he had no further use for his teacher. By the Rule of Two traditions, Sidious broke into his master’s apartment. They disposed of Plagueis, murdering his mentor in cold blood, killing him in his sleep, and ascending to ultimate power and acquiring the title of Sith Master for himself. As noted by Sidious, Plagueis did not act fast enough to prevent his demise.

After Plagueis’ demise, Sidious acquired his pupil in the Nightsister Mother Talzin’s son, Darth Maul, a young Dathomirian Zabrak whom Sidious had accepted from Talzin when he was only a child.

Appearances: The Acolyte

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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